Why fuqboys are the ultimate at repurposing content
Fuqboys are content marketing geniuses.
They know they’re on to a good thing and the more time they spend on being unique, the more it hinders their ability to get down to business.
They do it with their dates — the Ultimate First Date Scaffold — a walk, takeaway coffee (they bought a spare keepcup for you ‘cause they want you brag about how ‘conscious’ they are) that ends in a D&M at their favourite cafe they only take special people to.
Special, meaning, 27 different peeps before you.
And even their tried-and-tested Tinder message — “Hey, *reference something on your profile*. I’d love to talk about this over a drink. Tonight??“
They’re the ultimate when it comes to tweaking what’s already working, a.k.a, repurposing content and we can take some inspo from them —
Planning your content calendar with one to four key ideas each month
Step one — what are your content pillars or content themes you post about each week and month?
If you’re not familiar with these are or are unsure about how to work them out, I would recommend checking out this content piece and this content piece here to help you work that out.
Once you’ve got your content pillars, it can be a good idea to ask if they’re all relevant for the month. What I mean by this is, just say you’re launching, you might niche down a little for the month and your content will change. When I launch Give Good Email, you’ll notice that all the content being produced is very email marketing specific.
Ask yourself — what is it relevant I focus on this month?
Step two — Brainstorm all potential content ideas for the month.
It could be what Brooke Castillo does with her Life Coach School Program and they have a theme for the month, like ‘Relationships’ or it could be related to something seasonal, for example, let’s say you’re a naturopath and want to focus on ‘Winter Wellness’.
Ask yourself — building on the above, what could be some good content pieces to focus on this month? Select one to four ideas.
Step three — Take stock of everywhere you’re currently sharing content.
Ask yourself — where am I sharing content? Make a big list and get clear of everything so it can all be scheduled in.
Step four — See if you have a ‘hero’ content piece that should kick this all off.
Sometimes we have a hero content piece. It could be your blog, a YouTube channel, or a podcast. And for some of us, Instagram is where we put out main (and the most content out on). Rather look at everything as separate, we want to see how all of our content can work together.
Some of us mightn’t have a hero content piece (that’s usually me!) but it still doesn’t mean that content shouldn’t all work together.
Here’s how it could look —
One blog article turns into… 7 content pieces
Write a long-form article on your blog >> create three IG posts from the article to promote on Instagram >> create two pull-out quotes and tweetables to share on Twitter and via a quote on an Instagram tile >> craft two newsletters to your list on a case study/accompanying resources/additional add-on.
One blog article turns into… 7 content pieces
Write a long-form article on your blog >> chunk this into a 3-part series on your Instagram feed >> share this to your stories and ask questions/polls to get audience feedback/experience >> turn these answers into more Instagram content >> turn this into a case study that’s emailed to email subscribers >> repurpose this in one month into a part two of the initial blog article.
One Instagram post turns into… 8 content pieces
Look for an older Instagram post that got a bucket load of Interest >> create an opt-in by expanding the content into a training >> send the freebie to your existing list >> put three posts on Instagram up getting people to opt into your list to receive it >> gather testimonials from people who went into the training and post these as testimonials + a case study on your socials >> publish the case study as a blog post.
Repurposing older content
Congratulations! If you’ve been posting content for more than one month, you’ve got older content you can repurpose. If that figure is 6+ months of consistent posting, you’ve got enough ideas to bounce off for the next year. It’s a good day for you, so let’s discuss this, shall we? If you’ve already posted something once — a blog post, Instagram post, IGTV, you get the idea — you can…
1 // Turn it into a five-part training on Instagram
2 // Turn it into an opt-in email series that’s an evergreen sequence that sells an offer 3 // Do an IG live where you ask people questions
4 // Turn the IG live into an IGTV
5 // Talk about it on a podcast
6 // Turn it into an eBook downloadable to help you list build
7 // Create a content round-up about it of similar content you’ve done
8 // Create tweetables
9 // Do up a comparison post
10 // Show a case study
11 // Share testimonials against the original post
12 // Share a client story
13 // Turn it into an infographic
14 // Gather some data or science to back up your point
15 // Create a round-up of other people who have created similar posts/content pieces 16 // Do a round-up of your peers/other business owners and their take on it
17 // Turn it into a workbook
18 // Write up some FAQs about it
19 // Create pull-out quotes to make it sharable
20 // Share the content, then ask people follow-up questions and answer it in a post.
Head to your blog, podcast, or Instagram and find a piece of content. How can you create 10 more pieces using the list above inspired from this content piece? Turn the page to see it in action with a scaffold to help.
Peta Xx
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